Aliens of Me is a self-exploration based on my personal data with internet-based technologies, utilizing the web, video, virtual reality, and installation. I am using keywords from my memories shared online and figures of my health data captured by my smartwatch to reconstruct myself through virtual avatars, a story of my growth, and new bodies in which to hold these avatars and stories. This also reflects my identity as a newcomer from China, migrating to an open new world that blends analog and digital.
We are generating more and more digital data, and virtual life is becoming increasingly dominant. Personal identities are becoming interchangeable and indistinguishable between the virtual and real worlds. Through this work, I explore the inter-transformative relationship between the real and the virtual, the tangible and the intangible, the material and the immaterial, and the thing and the non-thing.
Meanwhile, technology is also extending its tendrils into the most personal spheres of humans, commoditizing personal data as a lucrative venture. I aim to engage in the claiming of sovereignty over our personal data, creating a space where personal data transcends commercial value and morphs into a playground for self-reflection, artistic expression, creativity, and exploration.
This work was initiated on GitHub ( and developed into a narrative video (video), virtual reality (screen recording panoramic screen recording), WebXR (screen recording ) and installation.
Aliens of Me是以我的个人数据为基础,利用网络、视频、虚拟现实和装置技术进行的一次自我探索。我利用网上分享的记忆中的关键字和智能手表捕捉到的我的健康数据,通过虚拟化身、我的成长故事以及容纳这些化身和故事的新身体来重建我自己。这也反映了我作为一名来自中国的新移民,来到一个模拟与数字融合的开放新世界的身份。
这件作品始于GitHub (,并发展成为叙事视频(视频), 虚拟现实(屏幕录制 全景屏幕录制),网页XR(屏幕录制 )和装置。